My dog Jimi and I LOVE to walk! This is a good thing. It keeps us both fit and gives Jimi ammunition for the dreams he’ll have as he spends the rest of his day sleeping until, yes, you guessed it – DINNER! He knows that word well and waits attentively from 5 p.m. onwards for me to say it!
Did you know that old schoolyards can often be great places to walk? They usually have magnificent trees that have been growing for more years than we’ve walked the planet. Imagine the stories they could tell! Just up the road our local schoolyard is home to many huge and ancient trees. The largest one of all is an enormous old mother oak tree. She is powerful, and still, cloaking me with her cascading branches as I stand in awe of the strength and knowledge I sense from her. Whilst Jimi finds his heaven in all the smells among the leaf litter and acorns beneath her I take the opportunity to just “be” within her energy.
Today, eyes closed as I leaned my back into the rough bark of her massive trunk it came to me that we often spend a lot of our time looking into the future to where we want to go and figuring out how we might get there. Yet, it often happens that until we understand how we created the person we are now, our patterning from the past may hold us back.
We can tend to spend a lot of time daydreaming about what we want, where we want to go, and how we want our life to be whilst at the same time feeling frustrated that none of our dreams are coming to fruition – and therein lies the problem! Constantly dreaming about the future will not buy a ticket to your destination! Until we deal with who we are now, the person we have created up until this moment, our dreams will be just that!
You see, sometimes it’s good to look back and see where we’ve come from, what made us who we are. Everything we’ve done and experienced up to now has created the way we think, feel, and deal with life, and old patterns can be hard to break! If what we’ve become so far is not giving us the life we want then we need to look within and see the beliefs, thoughts and patterning that we may need to change. Going down the same road every day will get you to the same destination – every day! Mmmm….boring?
In other words, to move forward, to create the life we want, we first must look back to understand how we came to be as we are in this moment, with all our strengths and weaknesses, our knowledge and our beliefs.
We must look at who we have become
to know who we can be.
What we then decide to change, let go, or build upon will dictate our path forward.
Mmmmm………makes sense, doesn’t it!
ENERGY TIP: If you have a large tree somewhere near you, and you can be alone, then try spending some time up close with it. Place your hand on the trunk, or lean against it and simply relax – don’t think! You may find amazing thoughts or ideas coming into your mind, and perhaps a clarity you have been searching for. Trees can often be very clever and helpful beings!
PS: If you’d like to know more about dogs, their energy and how we help each other, just leave a comment below.
PPS: If you have a friend who may find this post interesting please pass it on – we never know where our actions may make a difference!
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November 18, 2018 at 6:31 amThanks. I’m a noob so I’ll definitely look into it, meanwhile I hope you’re enjoying the posts. Z
Jill Moor
November 18, 2018 at 5:21 amI love the way you have phrased this message. Touching trees is something I have long loved to do. Well done
Zee Dammerel
November 18, 2018 at 6:28 amThanks Jill – I have tree friends that I visit regularly. Somehow they seem to pass on their wisdom to me and I always come away grateful. Z
Kerry Galea
November 26, 2018 at 8:39 pmJimi’s love shines out of his eyes… and I agree, looking at the “now” is so much better than looking at who we were in the past. 🙂