You’re tired! You feel like you can’t get up in the morning, let alone go forth and get the kids off to school, or get yourself to work on time, (yes, you always seem to be running late), and let’s not talk about the zillion other things that run your life.
You have no energy, you always, always feel knocked out and sometimes it’s hard to put on a smile when you really don’t feel it. There doesn’t seem to be a space to actually have a rest, to just let go and put your feet up! By the time everything is done in the evening and everyone is in bed you think you’ll have a glass of wine and relax but what happens? Yes, you fall asleep on the couch.
Don’t worry, you’re not failing somewhere!
You’re not alone in this!
In future articles I’ll be discussing some simple ways to lift your energy. They cost nothing, just a little time. I’ll also be looking at how you can safeguard your energy and where you can find more.
The best part is that as your energy lifts in small imperceptible ways through simple changes to your lifestyle and thoughts, you will begin to feel lighter and brighter and you will lift everyone around you, creating more love and harmony in family, relationships, and friends – and a whole lot more joy!
Now we all want some of that, don’t we!
For a quick starter, park your phone inside the house, or your place of work. Yes, that’s right – you don’t need to be hassled by anyone or any advertising or prompting to “share with friends”! This is your time and nothing is more important than YOU!
I know you’re busy, but you need to be willing to carve just a little piece of time out of your day at this moment – time for YOU! Yes, you are important so do this for yourself!
OK now, stop what you’re doing – it will still be there when you return, and take yourself out to the garden if you have one. Breathe deeply and try to let go all your thoughts as you take a quiet 15/30 minutes stroll around the garden. Don’t pull weeds or see what needs to be done. Just touch the plants, sit on the grass, feel it beneath you and begin to hear the nature sounds around you. If you have little ones, let them join you in quietly touching the plants. As you start to settle, they will also!
WARNING: to do this exercise you have to switch off your brain – how good are you at doing that? It can be difficult at first but as you work away at not thinking you’ll get better at it until you truly can wander through nature and simply let all that energy seep into you without your thoughts blocking it.
No garden, or you are at work! No problem! Take a walk round the block, or to a park, touching any trees you encounter, smelling any flowers you can reach – I’ve certainly been guilty of leaning over someone’s fence to smell the roses! This quiet time is where you connect with nature, easing and soothing your stress. If you’re in the city don’t despair! Look for those areas outside or between buildings where there is a small park or garden amongst the skyscrapers and although it won’t be as restful as a quieter garden just remember, physically touching nature always helps!
The saying “Take Time to Smell the Roses” has more depth and meaning to it when you actually DO it!
Make it okay to get into the habit of allowing yourself a little break on those gnarly, awful days when you’re overloaded, stretched and wanting to tear your hair out, break something, or disappear somewhere! It won’t take much time but it will help to ease you through the rest of the day and that will make a difference! And if you decide you like what this break does for you, make it a daily habit!
The hardest thing about changing your pattern is having the willpower to make the change. After that, the rest is easy!
And if you know someone who could be helped by these words – do share this blog with them. This may be all they need to lift their energy and get back on track!
September 13, 2018 at 1:25 amWonderful Zee! Congratulations this is awesome!!
Zee Dammerel
September 19, 2018 at 7:59 amSo good to be “on air” at last – thank you!
Lynette Evans
September 16, 2018 at 2:02 amVery good words of wisdom. My mother always said to stop and smell the roses.
In fact. She used to say and still does, that life is like a rose, first you are a bud just waiting to bloom, then your petals slowly open and start to reveal your inner beauty, then as you go into full bloom, your inner beauty shines out, as the rose grows old the outer beauty fades but the inner beauty still shows. And finally as the petals wilt and fall, we go back to the earth to create a new bud.
Zee Dammerel
September 19, 2018 at 7:58 amSuch a lovely analogy – thank you for sharing it!